
It’s not you…It’s your Genes.

Woman measuring waistline


Everyone knows fitness and physical activity is important for optimized physical and mental health. Staying fit not only looks good, but it reduces your risk of diseases, helps you avoid injuries and increases your chances of living longer.

You Fitness and Weight is Almost Entirely Determined by your Genetics.

The heritability of obesity is estimated to be around 75%.

According to a Stanford University research, people whose diet plan matched their specific genotypes lost an average of 2.9 times more weight and reduced their waist size by more than 2.2 times than those who didn’t.

So stop blaming yourself, stop feeling guilty for why you aren’t in shape and definitely stop spending your hard earned money on fad diets.
Your genetics reveals what kind of fitness predispositions and attributes you may have. These include, but aren’t limited to:
• Metabolism
• Food behavior traits
• Weight response to exercise
• Ability to lose weight
• Ability to lose weight and keep the weight off
• Enhanced benefits from certain types of exercise, but not others
• Aerobic capacity
• Strength training
• Muscle power
• Cholesterol response to exercise
• Response to diet type

This is why fad dieting, which uses a one-size- fits all approach, doesn’t work. Our bodies, just like our DNA- is unique, and responds to differently to different types of exercise, diet, and food.
Knowing which variants you have in your genes means you have access to a personal diet, health and fitness plan that is tailored to work.